Who is Zach Avery's wife Mallory Hagedorn and was she involved in his $650m Hollywood ponzi scheme?

The infamous "Hollywood grifter" and minor-league actor Zach Avery, aka Zachary Horwitz came to California "with nothing more than his dog, a few suitcases, and a big dream" along with his then-girlfriend Mallory Hagedorn. The two later got married and had two sons.

Avery is known for notoriety for orchestrating a Hollywood Ponzi scheme of an estimated $650 million by defrauding investors. The actor persuaded wealthy investors and a licensing company called 1inMM Capital LLC to invest millions of dollars in his production, promising them a 35% return. He claimed to have legal licensing contracts with online streaming platforms like Netflix and HBO.

However, the actor was arrested in April 2021 and sentenced to 20 years in federal prison after entering a guilty plea for the federal crimes that he had committed. Between his initial arrest and ultimate sentencing, his wife Mallory also filed for divorce, claiming he was "deceiving and manipulating her."

Now, The Con on ABC is expected to feature the multi-million dollar Hollywood Ponzi scheme and unravel Zach Avery's narrative. Let's explore the little-known part of his life about his hairstylist wife and her involvement in the fraud case.

Zach Avery's ex-wife Mallory Hagedorn is a hairstylist

Hollywood actor Zachary Joseph Horwitz, aka Zach Avery, is best known for his roles in films such as Last Moment of Clarity and Fury. He reportedly married his long-term girlfriend Mallory Hagedorn, a hairstylist, in 2014. According to reports, he later fathered two sons with his wife.

While there isn't much information on Mallory's life, it is known that she is an Indiana University Bloomington 2010 graduate with a Bachelor's degree in tourism management. After graduation, she completed trainer programs in cosmetology, styling, and nail art at the Vidal Sassoon Academy.

As per her LinkedIn profile, which has been removed after Avery's scams surfaced, she started as an intern at Cathy Teeter's Beautiful Weddings before joining Red Frog Events as an event organizer. In March 2013, she started working at Ken Paves Salon after her previous position at Vidal Sassoon.

Zach Avery often spoke of his family and Mallory's unending support. In an interview with Swagger, he reportedly spoke of his role as a father. He said:

"The amount of emotion that you get to experience when you become a dad is unmatched. The challenging part of being a dad while acting is the schedule that comes with production. Much of the time during shoots, I am not in Los Angeles so I am either away from him or if we can work it out, my wife and son come with me on location"

During another interview with NYCasting, Avery spoke about his ex-wife before they split up, stating,

"The one thing that my wife, Mallory, and I have done is make a pact that we will not be away from each other for more than two weeks at a time. So if I am shooting somewhere – we will work out a way for them to come out or me to come back so that we don’t go too long apart. It’s crucial to a successful relationship for us."

In a subsequent interview with Medium, the actor stated:

"My amazing wife, Mallory has been my rock, my sounding board and my partner in crime throughout my entire journey. Today we both have amazing careers, a true home in Los Angeles and wonderful life. Without her support and belief in my dreams, I definitely would not be where I am today."

How did Mallory, Zach Avery's wife, react to his arrest?

Zach Avery and Mallory Hagedorn, reportedly married for about seven years, have now split. Mallory filed for divorce in the Los Angeles County Superior Courts shortly after her husband's arrest in April 2021. She even made a statement, saying,

"Deceiving and manipulating me and everyone around him, and he is not the person that I believed he was."

Furthermore, she dismissed all claims that suggested her involvement in the fraudulent activities orchestrated by her husband in the Hollywood industry. According to court records, she reportedly stated of her husband's arrest:

"The banging of the doors literally caused our walls to tremble and being woken up to a troop of FBI agents swarming our house was the most terrifying thing I had ever experienced."

Season 2 episode 2 of The Con will narrate the Zach Avery fraud case this Thursday, August 4, 2022. The episode titled The Hollywood Mogul Con will air on ABC at 10 pm ET

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