The Royals Finale Recap 2/19/17: Season 3 Episode 10 To Show My Duty in Your Coronation

The Royals Finale Recap 2/19/17: Season 3 Episode 10 "To Show My Duty in Your Coronation"

Tonight on E! The Royal’s airs with an all-new Sunday, February 19, 2017, Season 3 episode 10 and we have your The Royal’s recap below.  On tonight’s The Royals season 3 episode 9 called, “Liam finds himself in unexpected places while looking to validate or dismiss the latest palace scandal; Helena (Elizabeth Hurley) is heartbroken over a recent loss and Jasper makes a final play for Eleanor’s (Alexandra Park) heart. This, as the family occupy a global stage as historic changes assure that nothing will ever be the same behind the palace gates.”

Tonight is going to be another crazy episode that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our The Royals recap between 9PM – 10PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Royals news, recaps, spoilers, photos & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Royals recap now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The Privy Council had proclaimed that Robert would be King of England. But Liam didn’t trust his brother. He knew that Robert could be spiteful, manipulative, and that his brother was without a doubt a pretentious snob seeing as he acted like he had been better than both Kathryn and Jasper who he deemed were mere commoners. So Liam had didn’t think his brother would make a great king. He had grown up watching his father becoming a man that the nation mourned and he felt that Robert had lacked some of Simon’s greater qualities however Liam didn’t know how to go against Robert and win.

Liam had found out Robert’s secret and so he had known that his brother had let several chances of escaping the island pass on by. However, Liam hadn’t known how to correctly use that information against Robert. He had thought he could confront Robert with the truth and that Robert would admit that he had acted cowardly yet all that did was make Robert even more defensive. He had told Liam that he had gone through a lot on that island and that Liam didn’t know the full picture. So Liam had assumed that Robert was looking for an excuse and he told Robert that he had been here watching their father die all because Robert had been too afraid to come home.

Yet, ugliness met with ugliness on tonight’s episode because Robert had informed his brother that Liam hadn’t simply had to watch their father die and that Liam had actually taken an active part in what happened to Simon. Robert had reminded Liam that if he hadn’t been off with his girlfriend then he would be there with their father and Simon could still be alive today. So Liam and Robert did almost beat each other up again and the fact they hadn’t had been because Jasper was there. Jasper had stepped between the two men to stop them from killing each other and they hadn’t gone after Liam when Liam had stormed off.

So Jasper soon became another reason for why Liam was angry at his brother. He thought his brother had been turning people against him and manipulating them into doing what he wanted, but Liam had tried to talk to his twin about his feelings and he had been surprised when Eleanor had told him that he was the one out of line. Though Eleanor did have a point. She had told Liam that being king and additionally having Kathryn had been first Robert’s before it had ever been a chance for Liam. And so she had a point – Liam was more upset about things being taken away from him than he was about anything else.

What if Liam hadn’t been offered the chance to become king or be Kathryn’s boyfriend? Then odds are that he would have been fine if not supportive of his big brother Robert having a coronation and he would have done what he normally would have for Kathryn. So when Eleanor reminded Liam that not everything was about him; that opened his eyes and it made him think he was acting like Cyrus. Cyrus was petty and he had been that way since that his brother first overshadowed him by being first being the heir then the king. But Liam hadn’t what to end up like Cyrus who pushed everyone away and so he tried reaching out to his brother.

Liam did go back to talk Robert and, that time around, he made sure that he said everything that was important. He told his brother to be good to Kathryn and that he had been there when Robert hadn’t been. However, Robert hadn’t made some snide remark or bothered to argue with his brother. He just took the advice and then went to go see Kathryn the first chance he could. So Robert went over to Kathryn’s place ready with an apology and somehow that turned into sex yet Robert wasn’t being the man that was in love with Kathryn. He had gone over to her place because he had wanted to end things between them.

Robert had gotten it into his head that he needed to do what was expected of him and so he was throwing possibly one of the few people he cared about. Yet, Robert’s obsession with expectation wasn’t merely for himself. He had also thought that Eleanor needed someone better than Jasper and so he had arranged her introduction to Sebastian. Sebastian was a prince in his own right and he was a lot like Eleanor. They both loved to party and make a name for themselves that existed outside of their “world” though Eleanor had ignored what Robert did because he said he had been trying to help.

Robert had told her that he saw her upset and moody after her breakup with Jasper and that he had wanted to see her happy. Though Eleanor had found out that Jasper had been trying to protect her and that he truly loved her. So Eleanor was confused and eventually so was Helena. Helena’s boyfriend Jack died and she had no one to turn to. She had found out that her son had fired Spencer for being too familiar and sort for having feelings for his mother, but Robert had played everyone till the very end. Robert had known that his father wanted to disband the monarchy and he had also known that Kathryn slept with his brother.

But Robert hadn’t told anyone that when he “revealed” himself to them. So Robert was a sneaky and vindictive bastard however he was king now and he was playing his own game. He had told Willow that he was interested in her, he had convinced Jasper’s father to turn on his own, and he had no problem with Liam not wanting to be near him. In fact, he probably blames Liam because their father’s last words to Robert had been that Robert had a lot to learn from his little brother. Like having a heart, for one!

So let’s see next season if Liam can stop Robert!

