Jennifer Lawrence fell at the Oscars because she was thinking about cake?

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence has been laying low lately. Have you noticed? She knows that awards season is nearly upon us, so she’ll be everywhere. Not only does she need to rest up and prepare for the madness, JLaw is also hyper aware that you may soon grow sick of seeing her adorable mug. With that said, Jennifer spent Christmas at a children’s hospital in her native Kentucky (I’ve included those photos at the bottom of this post). She then travelled to London to spend NYE with Nicholas Hoult. She needs the downtime for sure.

So we’ll have to do with tiny JLaw tidbits until the awards show tour begins. Yesterday Kaiser covered the super-mega W magazine movie issue with all of the different covers including Jennifer. Honestly I wasn’t impressed with any of the covers. The harsh lighting turned me off quite a bit, and even JLaw looked washed out as a result. Jennifer did talk a little bit about her Oscars fall heard round the world. Jennifer was wearing a massive Dior confection. Dior should have known better than to put someone as klutzy as JLaw in this dress. Jennifer says she was thinking about cake and that’s why she fell. Weird:

“I was at the Oscars, waiting to hear if my name was called, and I kept thinking, Cakewalk, cakewalk, cakewalk. I thought, Why is ‘cakewalk’ stuck in my head?’ And then, as I started to walk up the stairs and the fabric from my dress tucked under my feet, I realized my stylist had told me, ‘Kick, walk, kick, walk.’ You are supposed to kick the dress out while you walk, and I totally forgot because I was thinking about cake! And that’s why I fell.”

[From W magazine]

You know I adore this girl, but even I’m giving the side eye to this explanation. Maybe she’s telling the truth. It’s hard to put ourselves in the mindset of walking up to the stage in front of the entire Academy. I sort of imagine it as tunnel vision, but that’s probably not even an accurate description. We get it though, JLaw: You love food.

Jennifer Lawrence

Here’s those pictures of Jennifer at Kosair’s Children’s Hospital. She spent Christmas bringing Katniss to young children. How cool.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Photos courtesy of KCH Hospital on Twitter
