Four British / Irish Idiots, aka One Direction

I haven’t always respected One Direction.

I saw them as sellouts, a band set out only to create capital, because it really seemed that way. Their charisma, looks, and everything else make them a perfect profit package. They’re the ideal targets for hormonal, obsessed, crazed ‘teenyboppers’.

At least, that’s what I thought.

Freshman year, when I walked into choir, my friend was all excited. She was practically jumping up and down, despite the fact it was the first day of school. I gave her my best why-are-you-excited-summer-is-over kind-of look, but she completely ignored it. Her mind already preoccupied, too full of joy to care about ignorance.

When we sat down, she spilled; she had learned about this “amazing” new band: One Direction. At that point, I already knew who they were, and I already had my preconceived opinion. But this wasn’t really created by me; no, it was formed by the people around me. And I was so stuck on that thought, that I didn’t even bother to give them a listen.

She exclaimed how in love with them she was, and before I knew it, she dragged me into their world with her, no consent given. She taught me their names, forced me to play ridiculous trivia, and of course, listen to their music.

At this point, One Direction only had one album: Up All Night.  The album was painfully pop, but I honestly didn’t care (and I still don’t). I fell in love with each and every one of the tracks, and then I listened to them performing live.

They were actually a decent band. They weren’t sellouts; they could actually sing.

This got me thinking… was I becoming this hormonal, obsessed, crazed ‘teenybopper’? I couldn’t stand that thought, I did not want that persona.

I thought about it, and none of those words described me. Liking One Direction didn’t change my entire personality. Those words, they weren’t me.

I am not a hormonal, obsessed, crazed ‘teenybopper’. I am a balanced, disenchanted, dedicated young adult, who happens to admire five boys named Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn (Though he’s no longer in the band). Adoring them does not make me a suck-up, it just makes me a fan.

If my friend hadn’t introduced me to them, I would’ve missed out on so much happiness. I wouldn’t have enjoyed all the Twitter parties, all the album release excitement, and most of all – a family.

‘Directioners’ are a unique fan base, and they’re commonly overlooked. Everyone thinks it’s this group of horribly insane girls, but it’s not. They’re just… girls. Girls who are all different in their own way, and while some of them fit my earlier description, most of them don’t.

I believe in extraordinary boybands. Bands like One Direction, not those actual sellout bands, not the ones that don’t belong on stage. I believe in the ones who’ve worked hard to get where they are, the ones who have verses that are unforgettable, and the ones who leave you happy inside, no matter how down you’re feeling.

I love One Direction. While these five idiots are very alluring, and their personalities are definitely my type, I don’t follow them simply because of those reasons. I succumb to them because their songs are exceptional, and their concerts are a lot like home (or at least, that’s what I’ve been told).

You can’t listen to other people’s overzealous opinions. If you do, you be able to properly live your live. You’ll be living someone else’s, and you could pass up someone or something beautiful.
