10 Best Stone Cold Steve Austin Quotes

Stone Cold is one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. While being one of the main characters of the Attitude Era, it was his character and promos that pushed the boundaries into more risque territory that gave the Attitude Era it’s character.

Stone Cold could get the crowd eating out of his hand in a heartbeat, with the audience chanting “WHAT?” after every word. He has gone on to be one of the most popular wrestlers of all time and to this day can work a crowd into a frenzy just from his theme music.

Other wrestlers dream for half of the mic skills Stone Cold Stever Austin has. He is, to this day, one of the best men on the mic these are ten of his best quotes.

Also read: Stone Cold Steve Austin’s beer love – everything you need to know

#10 You want some ketchup with that a** whooping?

This is one part match, one part promo and all parts absurd. On what looks to be like a Christmas episode of RAW Stone Cold finds Booker T in a grocery store and runs around beating him up. What follows is chaos and food jokes galore in a pretty great segment.

Booker attacked Stone Cold from behind only to have the Texas Rattlesnake turn around and begin a beatdown of his own. Stone Cold then goes on to grab hold of the ketchup in the aisle and scream ‘You want some ketchup with that a** whooping before pouring it all over him.

#9 “Put an S in front of Hitman, and you have my exact opinion on Bret Hart.”

Stone Cold really did not like Bret Hart and the two along with the rest of the Hart Foundation, regularly feuded in the beginning of the Attitude Era. Stone Cold isn’t afraid to tell the people how he really feels with this promo about Bert Hart.

Also read: Stone Cold Steve Austin’s best movie appearances in a cameo role

While the potty humour may seem immature, it kept the rivalry going between these two legends.

#8 “Tune in next week same Stone Cold time same Stone Cold channel.”

This is a pretty simple quote, but the magic behind it was, that it worked. WWE pulled in record amounts of viewers during the Stone Cold peak years from around 1998-1999 at around 5 million viewers.

That number seems next to impossible today, as RAW usually only pulls in about 1 million. The most watched match of all time was an Undertaker vs. Stone Cold match for the WWE title.

Also read: Top 10 CM Punk quotes

#7 “You don’t suck because these people say you do, you suck because Stone Cold says so.”

Stone Cold launches insults at the Rock like nothing else in this clip, in what kicked off one of the defining rivalries. A rivalry that would generate three nearly perfect Wrestlemania matches, started off with Stone Cold calling the Rock ‘a piece of cr** who should be flushed down the toilet’.

Let’s see any other wrestler try to pull that off today and not be booed out of the ring. That just goes to show how good at giving lines Stone Cold Steve Austin really was.

#6 “I’m gonna open up a can of whoop-a** on you.”

Stone Cold comes up with of catchy phrases like no one else. This is another one that is so easily quotable. Stone Cold spoke about ‘whoop ass’ or ‘cans of whoop ass’ so much it would be impossible to keep count.

Also read: Stone Cold Steve Austin’s net worth revealed

His colourful language added to the mature content the Attitude Era was pushing.

#5 “Washed it down with one beer, two beers, three beers, a shot of whisky, a margarita, a bloody mary.”

Stone Cold really knows how to party.

The man was famous for crushing beers in the ring and honestly what is cooler than that. This is the perfect quote, to sum the drinking habits of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

#4 “Nobody, especially Vince McMahon, tells Stone Cold Steve Austin what to do and that’s the truth because Stone Cold said so.”

What makes the Stone Cold character so important to wrestling, is that it is every working man's dream to get to stand up to their boss. Stone Cold got to do this and more when violently beat up his boss.

When Stone Cold would tell Vince McMahon he couldn’t tell him what to do, it was an escape for millions of fans watching, who wished they could do the very same thing to their boss.

This quote helped launch one of the greatest rivalries in wrestling between The Boss Vince and the working man Stone Cold.

#3 “And that’s the bottom line because Stone Cold said so.”

What is so great about this line is how catchy it is. Just like annoying pop songs that stick and your head, this promo line can get stuck in your head. Add a crowd of screaming fans saying it along with him and you have one of the best lines from the Attitude Era.

#2 “You piss me off (Donald Trump) I’ll open a 8 million dollar can of whoop a** and serve it to ya.”

In this clip, Stone Cold says something that millions of people around the world want to say to Donald Trump’s face, after the elections.

What makes this promo so great is that years before Trump brought his orange hair into American Politics, he got a Stunner, because Stone Cold doesn’t care if you are the Rock, the Boss of the WWE or a future Republican Nominee for President.

#1 “You can talk about your Psalms and your John 3:16. Well Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your a**.”

This was the promo that launched Stone Cold’s career right after winning the King Of the Ring in 1996.

It was said that he almost made it up on the spot, to insult Jake the Snake for his religion and 3:16 ended up being one of his biggest catch phrases and best-selling wrestling merchandise of all time.

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